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Bothered by Cellulite?

Rapid-Weight-Loss-Centers - Now to Lose Cellulite with Diet and Exercise

Dr. Kevin Sattele Reveals How to Lose Cellulite with Exercise and our Rapid Weight Loss Diet.

As you may know, exercise increases lean body mass and decreases excess fat but, to keep that fat burning we need to reduce the amount of fat entering the body through our diet. That's the proverbial, "cellulite one-two punch".  Keep reading now to learn how diet and exercise can help combat cellulite.

To learn more about our Rapid Weight Loss Program we invite you to schedule a FREE Body Fat Analysis at one of our weight loss centers: In Florence, at 707 S Parker Drive, Florence, SC 29501 (843) 536-1096, in North Myrtle Beach, at 1006 6th Ave. S, Suite 1, North Myrtle Beach, SC 29582 (843) 491-4050 and in Hartsville, at 600 W Carolina Ave., Hartsville, SC 29550 (843) 536-1096.

What Causes Cellulite?

Cellulite is the dimply appearance your skin can have. And yes, it does look like cottage cheese. In reality it is fat beneath the surface of the skin.

The skin is undergirded by a network of fibers called collagen and elastin. They provide the strength and framework for your skin. When skin is firm, these fibers are close together supporting and keeping fat in its place.

This framework can get stretched or weakened as we age or as we gain weight. As a result, fat can creep between the spaces and poke out, giving a dimpled appearance in certain areas. Those areas typically see weight gain first and the fastest: thighs, hips, belly and arms.

So how do you fight and push that fat back into place? Well, you’ll need to get rid of the fat. Reducing the size of fat cells reduces cellulite and tightens and tones your skin again. Here’s where you begin.

Cellulite Exercises:

As you may know, the largest muscles in the body burn fat most. This would be the leg muscles.

• Lunges – This exercise moves one leg in front of the other. It targets the hip flexors, gluteals, and the front of the thighs. This exercise can be performed with or without the use of weights.

• Dumbbell or Barbell Squats – This exercise increases strength in the quadriceps muscles, the gluteals and the hamstring muscles. Don’t be afraid to use heavy weights. These muscles can take it without looking overly muscular like a bodybuilder.

• Abductor exercises – We often forget that there is a side to our legs until we put on that bathing suit. Exercises that move the leg away from the bodywork the outer thigh. Performing these exercises in the pool will increase your balance and the amount of resistance, making them highly effective.

Cellulite Diet:

Exercise will help burn the fat already stored on your body. But, to keep that fat burning we need to reduce the amount of fat entering the body through our diet.

• Fresh vegetables – Fresh vegetables are not only good for you but also good to you. They contain antioxidants and nutrients that the body needs. Eating them will assist the body in eliminating toxins that have built up and slowed the body’s metabolic processes.

• Lean meats like white fish, chicken, and turkey are low in calories than beef or pork.

• Drink plenty of water.  Water helps promote the body’s natural detox process and flush out toxins.

So what are you doing to reduce your cellulite? Regardless of the treatment, dietary changes and exercises are a healthier fix for the problem.

Dr. Sattele's Rapid Weight Loss Centers: Quick, Lasting Weight Loss Made Easy!

To learn more about our Rapid Weight Loss Program we invite you to schedule an appointment for a FREE Body Fat Analysis and Weight Loss Consultation at one of our Rapid Weight Loss Centers for quick weight loss: In Florence, at 707 S Parker Drive, Florence, SC 29501 and in North Myrtle Beach, at 1006 6th Avenue S, Suite 1, North Myrtle Beach, SC 29582. At that time, you'll also learn more about our HCG or Rapid Weight Loss Programs for quick weight loss in Florence, Hartsville and Myrtle Beach or our body shaping services including Mesotherapy.

For directions or to schedule a free consultation with Dr. Sattele, give our office a call at (843) 536-1096 and learn how to lose cellulite with the Rapid Weight Loss Program.


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